Bread dosa is a quick and instant variant of dosa. It is one of the easiest dosa you can make....
Mysore Rasam recipe is spiced delicious rasam variant from the Karnataka cuisine. To make this unique and special rasam variety,...
Buttery puff pastry topped with tomato sauce, cheese, onions, and capsicum are more than the sum of their parts in...
This Paal Payasam recipe is a typical Tamil style Rice Payasam – a creamy, delicious pudding of milk and rice....
If you are an idli lover like I am, then this Ragi Idli is a recipe that you really can’t...
Make authentic and homemade Indian Chai Spice with this easy Masala Tea Powder recipe. Prepared with whole spices, this delightful...
Aloo Gajar Matar – another favorite of North Indians and Punjabis, with the arrival of winters and the fresh bounty...
Here’s a South Indian style Potato Roast recipe, which is literally simplicity at its best. This dish has minimal ingredients,...
Wanting to bring in a burst of color, naturally in your otherwise white rice dishes? This Beetroot Rice recipe is...
Sweet, refreshing, and free of any artificial ingredients, this 5-ingredient Fruit Punch recipe is a favorite with kids and adults...